Saturday, September 8, 2007

GCC Harriers Sweep Cal-Pa Invitational: Mens Report and Results

In one of the most impressive performances in recent Grove City history, the mens and womens teams won their respective divisions of the California University of Pennsylvania Invitationals. Congratulations to Coach Sean Severson and the teams!

The men took the top three spots, five of the top nine, and seven of the top 14. The spread between the top five runners was an impressive 38 seconds. Dan Spaulding and Garrett Cichowitz finished in a virtual tie for first, followed shortly thereafter by Nathan Johnson. Finishing as the fourth through seventh team runners were Frankie Hoorigan in 7th, Gordon Grob in 9th, Cordell Oberholtzer in 10th and Andrew Falcone in 14th.
Mens Team Scores:
Grove City College 22
California U. OF PA 56
Mercyhurst College 60
U. OF Pittsburgh / Greens 130
Westminster College 154
Waynesburg University 172
Point Park University 176
Hiram College 199
Grove City Mens Individuals

6th Annual CALU Cross Country Invitational - 9/8/2007
Roadman Park California, PA
1 Spaulding, Daniel JR Grove City College 27:36.20 1
1 Cichowitz, Garrett FR Grove City College 27:36.20 2
3 Johnson, Nathan JR Grove City College 27:36.30 3
8 Hourigan, Frankie SO Grove City College 28:06.50 7
10 Grob, Gordon FR Grove City College 28:14.60 9
11 Oberholtzer, Cordell FR Grove City College 28:26.40 10
16 Falcone, Andrew SO Grove City College 29:02.50 14
(Note: Two Club Runners were in the top 14 overall who do not compete for colleges)
19 SU, Timothy JR Grove City College 29:20.70
22 Srour, Jonathon SO Grove City College 29:39.10
23 Cortez, Joey SR Grove City College 29:45.80
25 Miller, Darin JR Grove City College 29:49.40
26 Lauer, Joshua SO Grove City College 29:53.00
30 McMORROW, Ryan FR Grove City College 30:06.30
32 Kelly, Brett JR Grove City College 30:27.50
36 Hyland, Royce SO Grove City College 30:42.30
59 Adams, Friedrich FR Grove City College 33:01.50
Full Meet Results: Click here

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